Numbers guide your journey. We guide you.

Numbers dictate our lives.

Think about it, your weight and time of birth were among the first facts about you! In a world awash in data, everything about you and your business is being measured, analyzed, and turned into information. Consider these two points:

1. Every day, every company looks at numbers to make decisions.
2. Every day, every company struggles with using its numbers.

Data2Profit guides companies to more fact-base decisions that deliver sustainable profits.

Better decisions = Better results, right?

Although our objective for all clients is the same, how we turn information into insights will vary dramatically from one company to the next. Your route to better decisions and value creation may look like one or more of these goals:

Know How Your Sales Grow – Align reporting to what sales reps actually do: acquire customers, lose customers, sell more of the same stuff, and sell different stuff. Understanding their performance leads to new strategies and compensation plans.

Set Sales and Profit Expectations – Don’t just accept monthly results. Have a plan for where you are going and how you will get there. We use past information and measurable assumptions to construct targets you can measure against. Monthly reviews become less “what happened” and more “why did it happen” and “what’s next?”

Create New Information – Data is your untapped asset; put more of it to work. Existing reports update what you already know. We create new scorecards, measures and insights on your customers, operations, and results that you can turn into profit.

Get Everyone on the Same Page – Does your team debate what the numbers mean, if they are right, and who’s are right? We create (and validate) performance reports and metrics, then ensure your team understands their numbers and how they should be used.

Get the Thing Done! – Morale-sucking, numbers-related “hassles” your team hates. Unanswered questions. Stalled projects. Every owner, president, and CFO has a list. We provide affordable, short-term expertise you need to get sh*t done!

Build Financial Confidence – We coach you on what your financial statements do, and do not, tell you. We also advise what else you should keep an eye on.

If any of these hit home, or even piqued your curiosity, we should talk. I would love to share the story behind each of them and explore how we can help.

Reach out today to schedule an introductory meeting.

Whether you call them numbers, stats or data, you have a lot of them. And they tell the story of your journey to today. But the magic really happens when they also chart where you are going tomorrow.

Let us be your guide.

Magically yours,


Who is your answer person?


Data2Profit is celebrating our 3rd Year in Business!