Close the Gap Between Your Conference Room and the Street

Can you tie your company’s conference room strategies directly to the physical reality of the street?

In other words, do you know how you grow? It is a pretty simple question with a pretty simple answer. But when I asked an owner how he grew last year, he puzzled for a moment before answering, "we sold more!" I nodded politely in agreement.

You can Google ‘growth strategies’ or ‘sales strategies’ and be rewarded with lots of ideas to grow sales. Executive staffs and consultants do lots of SWOTS to turn these into inspiring messages that get rolled out to rally the troops. Then the binders go on the shelf and the sales team goes to work.

Why does this happen? There is a data chasm between conference rooms and the street.

  • Conference Room = expectations, plans, and dreams of company leaders.

  • Street = actions, decisions, and behaviors of sales reps and customers.

Few accounting or CRM systems are designed to immediately align sales reports with what sales reps actually do each day. These systems can tell you which products, brands, and customers grew. A good analyst can dive deeper to map where growth occurred, analyze sales per customer changes, or calculate correlations between locations and sales. But almost none can tell you how you grew.

The physical reality of the street? Sales are the outcome of four things that salespeople do, and four things that customers decide to do.

At Data2Profit, we believe every strategy comes back to one of these.

It is imperative for you to understand how your sales grow, or decline. Once you know how much retention, acquisition, product penetration, and same sales contribute to your overall sales, you will have a new perspective on strategies, your sale incentive programs, and profit plans.

Do you agree, or are we missing something?

Whether you are a company owner, sales leader, or service provider, we would love to get your feedback and schedule your salesRAPS discovery call. See something you've never seen before.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Magically yours,



It’s so hard


Don’t go forward by only looking back